So, files present under this category may seem useless and redundant and can be removed. It takes a lot of storage space and that's why the majority of Mac users want to know how to delete other storage on Mac? It is also known as home to numerous files, temporary files, cached data, and junk files you probably want to remove from your Mac. Similar to "Other" on iOS devices, it stores different types of files. The "Other" category is a blend of files that aren't recognized as one of the other file categories (Apps, Music, Photos, etc). Bonus Tip: How to Recover Accidentally Deleted Files on Mac? What Contains in the Other Storage on Mac? The Library folder could be holding a lot of things if you have apps like audio creation apps and the like. One thing: When you are looking at an account's Home folder, the Library folder is hidden. If you keep going you'll eventually get an idea of what takes up the space on your drive. In each account, you'll find folders like Music, Movies, etc. In your Users folder you'll find each account. Then after some calculation time you'll see how much space is used by each folder. Then switch to List View and turn on View, Show View Options, Calculate all Sizes. Instead, in the Finder, go to the Computer level. If you want to get rid of things on your drive, you don't start with a list of categories any more than if you were cleaning your house. The same for everything else: furniture, food, clothing, etc. The books are probably spread out around your house in different rooms. Yet you probably don't hav a single room in your house that holds 300 books and nothing else at all. One category may be "books" and shows 300 books, all the books in your home. To understand, think about a similar list for your home. This is a categorized list of things on your drive, not a list of folders. What you are referring to, probably, is if you look at Apple Menu, About This Mac, Storage and then the list there. There is no such thing as an "Other" folder.